Media Coverage: The Japan Agricultural News 2022.5.16(Research Collaborator Mariko Kanamori)

Three research papers by Mariko Kanamori were introduced in an editorial in the Japan Agricultural News.2022.5.16

The Japan Agricultural News “Rural Depression Prevention A Comfortable Environment to Live in

【Explanation】*Jump to Mariko Kanamori’s website

1.Relationship between rurality, depression, and social capital

2.Those who have long farming experience are 1.1 to 1.4 times more likely to be depressed if there are few farmers around.

3.High suicide rates in areas with high dairy and livestock production.

Last Part : Lecture on Causal Inference for Clinical and Epidemiological Research(The Medical News, Assistant Professor Inoue)

A series of lectures on “Causal Inferrence for Clinical and Epidemiological Research” in the Medical News which assistant professor Kosuke Inoue wrote has been finalized.

No 14.Better understanding of causal inference and realization of a healthy future for people and society.(2022.5.9 Weekly Medical News(Usual number) :From No.3468)

Click here for Kosuke Inoue’s website.

Award:Top Cited Article 2020-2021(Research Collaborator Mariko Kanamori)

The following paper published in the international journal Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior received the Wiley “Top Cited Article 2020-2021” award, which is given to papers with the highest number of citations in the journal.

Award-winning papers

“Suicide and Types of Agriculture :A Time-Series Analysis in Japan”(Authors. Mariko Kanamori, Naoki Kondo)

Serial Report: Lecture on Causal Inference for Clinical and Epidemiological Research(The Medical News, Assistant Professor Inoue)

Assistant Professor Kosuke Inoue has been writing a series of lectures on “Causal Inferrence for Clinical and Epidemiological Research” in the Medical News.

No.13,Estimating causal effects using mediator.(2022.4.4 Weekly Medical News(Usual number) :From No.3464)

Click here for Kosuke Inoue’s website.

Serial Report: Lecture on Causal Inference for Clinical and Epidemiological Research(The Medical News, Assistant Professor Inoue)

Assistant Professor Kosuke Inoue has been writing a series of lectures on “Causal Inferrence for Clinical and Epidemiological Research” in the Medical News.

No.12, Estimating the effects of exposures and interventions on populations.(2022.3.7 Weekly Medical News(Usual number) :From No.3460)

No11,Estimating Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables.(2022.2.7 Weekly Medical News(Usual number) :From No.3456)

Click here for Kosuke Inoue’s website.

Publication: Transforming Food Environments(Professor Kondo)

「Transforming Food Environments」
Chapter 16 ‘Choice Architecture and Nudging for Better Food Choice’

We regularly find ourselves in food environments that promote the consumption of high fat and sugary foods rather than encouraging us to eat more fruit and vegetables. However, because of increased media attention, people are becoming more interested in alternative approaches to improving the many food-related decisions we make daily. Transforming Food Environments features evidence from several disciplines exploring initiatives that have improved food environments and discusses the importance of achieving success in equitable and sustainable ways.

The book presents information on diverse food environments followed by methods that help readers become aware of the design of interventions and food policies. It covers food environments in schools, workplaces, and community centres as well as fast food establishments and food marketing. The book presents methods to help encourage better food choices and purchase of healthier foods. It explores persuasion tactics used by health professionals such as changing availability and/or price, using nudging techniques, and food labelling.

Professor Kondo wrote the above.

Transforming Food Environments

Open Campus 2022

Open Campus of Kyoto University School of Public Health will be held on the following dates.

Webinar : 10:00-16:00, April 23, 2022
Webinar : 13:00-15:00, May 14, 2022

For more information, click here.(Pre-registration)

If you are interested in doctoral programs (PhD or DrPH), professional degree course (Master of Public Health;MPH), Master Program  for Clinical Research(MCR) , traineeships, or research students, please join this meeting.

If you would like to attend the individual counsultation sessions by departments, please fill out the event registration form