News: “Community Assessment” Workshop was Held and Colleague from Brunei Darussalam were Invited

For three days, March 14, 15, and 18, 2024, a workshop on “Community Assessment” was held at the Kyoto University School of Public Health (KUSPH).
This workshop was held in by inviting the officers from the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and the WHO Centre for Health Development (WHO Kobe Center), and we also invited two people from Brunei Darussalam, one from the Ministry of Health Brunei Darussalam and another from the University of Brunei Darussalam. There were also approximately 15 participants, including students and faculty members, from KUSPH who participated in this workshop.
On March 19, 2024, together with two invited guests from Brunei Darussalam and an officer from the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, to learn their activities of utilizing data from a “Community Assessment” conducted by Kita Ward, Nagoya City.

For more information, please check below.
“Community Assessment” Workshop was Held and Colleague from Brunei Darussalam were Invited
Visited Nagoya City Kita Ward Office to Learn Their Activities on Utilizing Data from a “Community Assessment”

WHO Kobe Centre News
WKC contributes to Brunei Darussalam study tour in Japan

Notice: International Symposium “Art, Connection, and Well-being: Exploring the Social Value of Culture”

International Symposium “Art, Connection, and Well-being: Exploring the Social Value of Culture” will be held under the organization of the Department of Social Epidemiology.

With the epidemic of the new coronavirus, many social activities have been restricted as “unnecessary and non-urgent.” Cultural activities such as festivals, traditional culture, art and sports were severely restricted. These activities are thought to lead to well-being, that is, to express one’s own way of life in a rich connection between people, and to live with pride and “ikigai.” However, the extent to which these cultural activities have the effect of enhancing well-being has not been fully scientifically evaluated and understood. In this symposium, we will discuss the significance and potential of cultural activities in the post-corona era with the world’s top researchers in cultural capital and social capital.

Date and Time: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 13:30-17:15 *Doors open at 13:00
Place: Kyoto University International Science Innovation Building, West Building 5F, Symposium Hall (on-site only)
With Simultaneous Interpretation
Price: free
Capacity: 220

How to Apply: If you’re interested in joining, please apply via the link below or scan the QR code on the flyer.
参加申込フォーム Application Form (
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at:
Art Tourist Co., Ltd.

Deadline: Friday, May 31, 2024

Flyer (English ver.)

Flyer (Japanese ver.)


News: Media coverage “Community gender norms, mental health and suicide ideation and attempts among older Japanese adults: a cross-sectional study” – JAGES (January-March 2024)

The content of the research, “Community gender norms, mental health and suicide ideation and attempts among older Japanese adults: a cross-sectional study,” was featured in several Japanese newspapers, 福福島民友・下野新聞・日本海新聞・中国新聞・徳島新聞・秋田魁新報・沖縄タイムス・佐賀新聞・山陰中央新報・高知新聞・福島民報・東京新聞夕刊・千葉日報・京都新聞朝刊・愛媛新聞・南日本新聞・琉球新報・岩手日報・岐阜新聞・長崎新聞・新潟日報, 福井新聞、山梨日日新聞, further amplifying its impact and reach.

For details, click  here: Press release: Depressive symptoms, suicide ideation and attempts are about twice as common among those who perceive community gender norms as restrictive (Collaborator Kanamori) – Department of Social Epidemiology (

News: Professors Inoue and Sato’s Research Featured in Top 5 Highest Impact Factor Journals 2021-2023 (School of Public Health, Kyoto University)

Congratulations to Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue and Assistant Professor Koryu Sato for their outstanding achievement!

Their dedication and pioneering research have significantly contributed to the understanding of Social Epidemiology, leaving an indelible mark on the academic community. Their work has been recognized with publications among the Top 5 highest Impact Factor Journals between 2021-2023 in the School of Public Health at Kyoto University (KUSPH), as evidenced by Web of Science.

For more detailed information, please click here.

News: Joint Statement on Building a Green Healthcare System released by the Japan Health and Global Policy Institute’s Planetary Health Project (Professor Kondo)

The Planetary Health Project of Japan Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) released a Joint Statement titled “A Significant Step Towards the Building a Green Healthcare System” on February 16, 2024, with Professor Kondo serving as an Advisory Board Member.

This statement highlights the increasing significance of addressing planetary health challenges, particularly climate changes, as evidenced by the Japanese government delegation’s participation in the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH) at the 154th World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board in Geneva on January 27, 2024.

For further details, please refer to the information available by clicking here. [English version]

News: Media coverage “The decision to postpone pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic is strongly associated with lower well-being”

The content of a paper published by the RISTEX project “How Did The Pandemic Affect Women’s Decisions On Pregnancy?,” sponsored by our laboratory, was recently featured on the website of Theravive, a Canadian organization of clinical psychologists.

“Pregnancy decisions are influenced by societal factors. Those choosing delay often experience isolation and loneliness. This article aims to connect them with support and connection.”

For detailed information, access the published article here. For Paper details, click here.

News: Professor Kondo Appointed to WHO Advisory Group on Social Connection (Professor Kondo)

We are pleased to announce that Professor Kondo has been appointed to the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Social Connection (TAG-SC) for a two-year term. The TAG-SC, comprising up to 20 experts, will provide counsel to the WHO Secretariat on the profound interplay between social connection and health. This appointment underscores Professor Kondo’s expertise in this complex and vital field.

Congratulations, Professor Kondo!

Related information can be found here.

Symposium Video Release: Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Takemi Program in International Health (Professor Kondo)

Professor Kondo participated in the 40th Anniversary Symposium “Digital Health: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Health,” organized by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Takemi Program in International Health. As a featured speaker, Professor Kondo delivered a presentation on “Social Common Capital and Digital Health” at the event held on November 11, 2023, in the auditorium of the Japan Medical Association in Tokyo, Japan.
The video recording of this presentation has been released and will remain accessible until July 2024.
To watch the video in English, click here. For Japanese, click here.

News: Professor Kondo contributes to the [Relay-essay] titled “I tried a ‘life meeting’ on New Year’s Day, and even an elementary school student enjoyed it” on the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine website (Professor Kondo)

Professor Kondo shares an enjoyable experience in the first installment of the [Relay-essay], a new section at the Graduate School of Medicine. He explores values and desires through a unique and engaging game, shedding light on the importance of empathetic discussions within the context of Public Health.
Click here for more details.

News: Policy recommendations released by the Obesity Control Promotion Project of the Japan Health and Global Policy Institute (Professor Kondo)

The Global Expert Meeting of the Obesity Control Promotion Project of the Japan Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), drawing upon insights from the event titled “The Next Steps for Engaging and Cooperating with Patients, Citizens, and Communities for Obesity Control,” held in Mach 2023. This month, the meeting has shared its Policy Recommendations outlined in the document titled “The 6 Steps for Engaging and Cooperating with Patients, Citizens, and Communities for Obesity Control.”

Professor Kondo contributed to the meeting as a panelist.

For a detailed overview, please refer to the information available by clicking here. * In English