A research team led by Dr. Masamitsu Kamata, a lecturer at the University of Tokyo (part-time lecturer at our department), has compiled a paper on the verification of “Pacific League Walk,” a pedometer application that allows users to support the six Pacific League professional baseball teams by the number of steps they take each day, and the paper was published in the American academic journal “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.”
The app is the official app of the six Pacific League baseball teams, and was released free of charge in March 2016. It has won the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Excellence Award (Group Category) at “the 9th Let’s Increase Healthy Life Expectancy! Award” .
The paper (open access) is here.
Large-Scale Fandom-based Gamification Intervention to Increase Physical Activity. Masamitsu Kamada, Hana Hayashi et al.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Publish Ahead of Print, 8 2021
“U.S. academic journal publishes paper examining ‘Pacific League Walk’ as ‘new value to society'” | Full-Count
A paper examining the “Pacific League Walk” is published in the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine – Professional Baseball : Nikkan Sports.
Validation paper on the pedometer app “Pacific League Walk” published in the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine |BASEBALL KING
Article on the effectiveness of the pedometer app “Pacific League Walk” published in the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine-Sponich Sponichi Annex Baseball
Article on the effectiveness of the pedometer app “Pacific League Walk” published in the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.|Sports hochi