News: Media coverage “Community gender norms, mental health and suicide ideation and attempts among older Japanese adults: a cross-sectional study” – JAGES (January-March 2024)

The content of the research, “Community gender norms, mental health and suicide ideation and attempts among older Japanese adults: a cross-sectional study,” was featured in several Japanese newspapers, 福福島民友・下野新聞・日本海新聞・中国新聞・徳島新聞・秋田魁新報・沖縄タイムス・佐賀新聞・山陰中央新報・高知新聞・福島民報・東京新聞夕刊・千葉日報・京都新聞朝刊・愛媛新聞・南日本新聞・琉球新報・岩手日報・岐阜新聞・長崎新聞・新潟日報, 福井新聞、山梨日日新聞, further amplifying its impact and reach.

For details, click  here: Press release: Depressive symptoms, suicide ideation and attempts are about twice as common among those who perceive community gender norms as restrictive (Collaborator Kanamori) – Department of Social Epidemiology (